First time using a menstrual cup!

I've been psyching myself up to make the move from tampons and pads to a menstrual cup for months now and because I’ll be due my period smack bang in the middle of my holiday in June and I do not want the faff of tampons while I'm there I needed to get a move on to practice with my cup of choice, the Mooncup. 

Mooncup is a UK company that provides a menstrual cup in two sizes, A for over 30’s and women who have given birth vaginally, and size B, under 30 and no vaginal birth. Thats me! 

Long story short, my period came and in popped the cup! You can fold it two ways, the c fold or punch down fold, I personally found the punch fold easier. But I noticed this period I was quite crampy, I'm lucky in that I don't really get cramps at all, and even though I couldn’t feel the cup inside, I was very aware that it was there. I also had a heck of a job trying to get the sucker out! Day two and the cramps became too much and I had to give up and switch back to tampons.

Disheartened that I'm a menstrual cup failure I decided to get in touch with the friendly people at Mooncup for advice. I spoke to two lovely ladies, Martha and Sophia, who asked me a lot of questions to try and find out why I would be reacting to the cup in this way. After I gave them the info they needed they explained why the cup is possibly a little big for me. They also offered me a full refund as a goodwill gesture which I wasn't expecting. 

Overall I am disappointed I cant support a UK company with their amazing product. Their customer service was the best I've ever received and I urge anyone with any questions or seeking advice about their Mooncup to get in touch. I instantly felt at ease talking about something quite personal.

I have not given up with menstrual cups, I have been having a look around at the many different cups out there and think I have settled on trying the Me Luna small classic cup. As the Mooncup is a little big for me the Me Luna is slightly smaller it must be worth a try. 

If you're thinking about trying a menstrual cup, just do it, even though I had a fairly rough experience with one I am in no way put off trying another one, I really do think they are the future to reduce the amount of disposable towels and tampons to landfill.

I also want to say that just because I didn't get on with the Mooncup doesn't mean you wont, every woman’s vagina is different and what works for one may not for another.

Here is a link to Bree’s YouTube channel, she talks about all things alternative menstrual products so take a look if you are thinking about making the switch to a menstrual cup or reusable pads.

Thanks for reading!



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