I’ve been feeling super inspired by a lot of people recently and thought a fun idea would be to start a bit of a series on the ol’ blog to share the lovely people I find inspire me.
First up is my wonderful friend Ellis.
I wanna start off talking about her courageous and inspiring decision earlier this year to leave full time employment and follow her dreams of being a self employed full time illustrator. Not many people have the balls to do something like that, what with the fear of it not working out, but most people wont even try. But Ellis is doing just that, and whether she sinks or swims in this unpredictable world of freelance she will always be a huge inspiration to me. She makes me feel like anything is possible and that maybe one day I might have the skills and confidence to try and work for myself.
Knowing Ellis has had a troubled past with mental health, especially at her old job, I admire that she put herself and her health first and left a job that was so corrupt it was seriously impacting on her mental health. She reminds me that putting myself first is key. And thats so important because you only get one life, and theres no guarantee you'll live it till you're old and wrinkly so you have to look after yourself.
Recently I’ve been inspired by Ellis to think about the way I view the world and how I have an impact on it. I knew things like animal testing went on and that I was more than likely using products that had been tested on animals, but I was so close minded I didn't want to think about it but Ellis has opened my eyes and I couldn't thank her more. She made the decision to go vegan and in doing so has been exploring where food comes from and how important it is to be cruelty free. Because of Ellis I am now cruelty free and have majorly cut down on the amount of meat I eat. I’m heading towards vegetarianism but I have so many allergies and have found out I’m allergic to quorn so I want to slowly cut meat out while I learn about what foods I can and cant eat and how to keep healthy with already having a restricted diet. I can 100% say I would not be cruelty free or cut down on eating meat if it wasn't for Ellis.
And d’ya know what, this blog of mine wouldn't exist without Ellis either, through her encouragement and support I’ve found a hobby that I love and have even made a few videos on youtube!
Ellis is an incredible friend who never ceases to amaze and inspire me with her ventures and triumphs, she's supported me through my toughest times and I truly am privileged to have a friend like her in my life.
Thanks for reading!
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