Blogmas Day 1: Lush Review!

So turns out I’ve been living under a rock. I’ve never been to lush before! How can that be you say! Everyone is obsessed with lush! Well people, I’m allergic to many many things, including nuts, and the couple of times I've peered in the windows like a little weirdo I saw so many nut ingredients I ran for the hills!
But I’ve been having a small flutter deep inside telling me to have a second look, to peruse their yummy looking stuff and dig a bit deeper into their ingredients. 
So my fantabulous buddy Ellis took me into lush to ask about a shampoo and conditioner I’ve been looking at. I didn't realise lush did samples and I've been struggling to a) find a shampoo and conditioner that I didn't react to and b) something that would suit my fine and greasy hair. 
The gal in store (wish I caught her name) went through the products with me for nut ingredients and we settled on I love juicy and veganese. Both nut free! Woohoo!
I’m not kidding you I have 6 bottles sat at home that I’ve bought and reacted to, it gets expensive buying and trying different products when you're so reactive! So the samples she gave me filled me with relief that I wouldn't have to spend more money and have the embarrassment (and a surprising amount of paperwork) of returning something you've had a reaction to. 
So I've been using the samples for a few days and I'm so happy, my greasy hair hasn't gone but I’d a tad better which I'm hoping will improve the longer I use the shampoo. 
Cue trip number 2 to Leicester and I have my I love juicy, veganese, dry shampoo and a birthday pressie! I spoke with a guy today (again I've forgotten his name, I'm ashamed!) and he was lovely, so helpful and guided me through their products to find something that hopefully will be loved for the birthday pressie! 
I love the whole ethos that lush has, fighting animal testing and I didn't realise either that 80% of their products are vegan which is fab! They also use non plastic glitter so are reducing the amount of plastic going down those plug holes and to landfill! 
The price in lush too has also been a reason I've avoided, but even though I've spent 20 quid on a big bottle of shampoo its going to last me absolutely ages! The tiny sample pot I got has lasted me 5 uses so far and theres still about a quarter left in there! Plus its cruelty free and you really are supporting a company that is making a difference.
I will definitely be a regular face in lush now, I'm actually in shock that I didn't check them out sooner! 
Thanks lush for being so helpful and non judgemental, I've had some really awkward encounters with staff in other places when I've asked for help finding nut free things and I've just wanted to shrink into the ground but not here, the staff have been wonderful and I'm so happy I finally went in!

Thanks for reading!



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