Blogmas Day 7: Supporting small businesses

Supporting small business

I’m sat now, at a Christmas market with my good pal Ellis helping out with her Pastel Elixir stall and thought what better a time to write a post about supporting small businesses than right now surrounded by small businesses.

For small business owners, Christmas starts super early, planning and producing stock to hopefully sell in the run up to Christmas fills a lot of their time. The least we could do is support them for all their hard work.
I know for a fact shopping small business can be a tad bit more expensive than online or the high-street for those of us on a tight budget at Christmas. So one thing you can do is to start your pressie shopping early. This way you're not forking out a tonne of money in one go, or if you like a good splurge then save up a Christmas pressie fund so you can get everything brought in one go. Have a think about the people you're buying for and get searching for some unique handmade gifts. You kill two birds with one stone here, first off you get an awesome gift no one else will have, that will surprise and amaze the gift receiver, and second you are handing your hard earned money over to someone who actually deserves it rather than a greedy corporate snob who wipes their arse with £50’s every day!

So how do you actually find small businesses? Get yourself on websites like Etsy. You'll find some beautiful stuff on there. Some businesses on there will have their own websites and social media accounts you can check out too and from there you might find other small businesses that you find interesting. Small business owners regularly follow each other, supporting their fellows work so chances are if you find one small business you'll find another, and another, and another. 

One way I’ve supported small business this year is to start early. I’m on a tight budget this Christmas but I wanted to try and do my part to help support small business, even if it is only for a few gifts. One trick could be to buy one main pressie and then get some stocking fillers from the high street or online. I’ve done exactly this with a friends birthday present. I brought a vegan soy wax candle in the shape of a skull from a store on Etsy called waxandbonesuk, I got to choose the colour and scent and this was my main pressie, then from Primark I got a picture holder for £1 and some cute fairy lights for £2.50. I also added in a bubble bar from lush! Together they make a nice little bundle of gifts and I spent well under £20. 
Because I managed to save a bit more than expected I was able to get some custom artwork done from Pastel Elixir for my two godsons and my friends baby. Normally I wouldn't spend this much but I really hate buying kids toys and clothes at Christmas! So now they have a nice keepsake! The commissions were £20 each which on reflection is actually pretty cheap when you consider the time the artist takes and the fact you're getting a one of kind piece. Its unique! 
I also got my brother a custom piece for his birthday and he was so thrilled to see something he’d never seen before, and something no one else has. 

It really is easy to shop small business at Christmas. And if you get a couple of gifts from a small business there is a real person at the other end of your order letting out a little squeak of joy because they know they can pay their bills this month! 

Even if you buy one gift this year from a small business you'll have made such a difference. 

Thanks for reading and support small business!



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