3 YouTubers I'm currently obsessed with.

I have only recently discovered Exploring with Josh, and by recent I mean in the last few weeks. But I swear I've watched over 100 of his videos and vlogs so far! The obvious appeal to Josh’s videos is the stunning places he explores all over the world, some abandoned, some not. But Josh can show us these places and take us with him on his journey with the most beautiful videos, photography and drone footage I've seen so far on youtube.
Aside from this what drew me in to keep watching Josh was how authentic he is. He is so passionate about exploring and seeing everything this planet has to offer and he cares so much about documenting it all. He is just pure and simple, an amazing guy. I dunno what it is but I find him so endearing to watch and he is the sole reason I have decided now is the time I need to get my arse into gear and start saving a bit of dosh to get travelling myself. I need to see what this world has to offer and Josh has sparked a dormant passion inside of me to do it. 

I’ve been watching Joe for a long time. But recently I’ve seen a bit of a change in him and I’m liking what I see. He is growing up a bit, losing that party boy image and just embracing his age a bit I think. I’ve seem him comment a few times that he's getting to old to party every night and its not his thing anymore and I admire that he is doing things for himself and not for others. What made me fall for him a bit more was he did a live stream a couple of months ago and talked about what he wants his future to look like and talked about a partner and I was like totally relating to and I kinda felt for him! I bonded with this guy on my laptop screen about the future and as twattish as that is to admit I’m not ashamed to say I want the same things, and I wouldn't say no if it was with him!
Joe always makes me laugh with his pranks, challenge videos and when he's with his mates, Jack and Conor Maynard in particular I know I'm in for a piss my pants laugh of a video!

Now James is a weird one for me to be in love with, because I don't wear make up! So why am I a little obsessed with a make up artist on youtube! Because James is a flipping beautiful guy, I love how passionate he is about make up and creating art and his personality is killer! He is funny, sassy, confident and vibrant and I love that. He stands up to hate and he learns from mistakes and this is my perfect person online. I’ve never much had the urge to wear make up, ever, mostly because I'm allergic! But partly because I’m kind of comfortable in my own skin and thought make up can take away peoples confidence by hiding flaws they should embrace and be proud of but James shows me that make up isn't just about slapping on a face of stuff, its about talent and art and expression and its beautiful. He’s made me a little jealous I can’t wear make up but as long as James is on YouTube I will have my fix. Thank you James for opening my mind up to my naive views on make up.

Thanks for reading.



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