Feb Favourites.

Feb Faves!

I haven't done a faves post since November!! I didn't really have much to rave about in December and January but February has been a month full of goodies and swishy stuff!

Theres a lot in here so get comfy and lets get the show on the road!

My biggest fave, quite literally, is I got a new bed frame for my birthday! I turned 28 on the 11th and my parents knew how excited I was about finishing my bedroom makeover that they surprised me with my awesome new bed frame. I love love love it and finally my bedroom is finished and looking fine!

I have had a lot going on in the family recently, I’m not going to go into it in detail because its not my place but I lost a family member at christmas and nearly lost another this month from cancer. Macmillan have been an amazing support system. Their website is packed full of everything you need and their email service which I used to have some questions answered was faultless. A bit of a weird favourite but I really don't think I’d be coping so well without them so they need a shout out. 

Avene skincare has been a godsend this month. With the allergy season beginning I am already suffering both sneezy wise and skin wise! Avene really soothes my skin and helps to control the flare ups I am having on my face, I am using a mix of products from their Tolerance range and sensitive range, including their micellar water.

I have discovered tea without milk this month and literally have no idea why I’ve been butchering tea in the past by adding milk! Its so much nicer without! I don’t very often drink hot drinks but I have been having a cup of black tea almost every day this month. Yummy yum yum!

I’ve been reading a book this month, shocker because I’ve never finished a book in my life! Relationship selling is a book that from the outside looks like it will improve the skills of sales people, but its so much more than that. I have never, and will never work in sales but I’ve read this book and come away with so much enthusiasm and motivation to get my shit together and do all the things I’ve been meaning to do! It can also help you to learn new skills generally no matter what career you work in so make sure you get a copy from Amazon!

Netflix has had some great shows and films on recently, and I've spent most of my tv time on Netflix over Sky and have binge watched The Fresh Prince of Bel Air! Such a great show, I watched it growing up and to watch it all again as an adult was brilliant seeing things I missed and didn't quite understand when I was a lot younger! Will Smith is such am amazing actor, but I suspect a lot of what went into Fresh Prince was his effervescent personality! And I didn't realise how much I missed seeing the Carlton dance! If you haven't seen it, see it! Now!
I’m a huge fan of anything David Attenborough and there has been so many of his shows on Netflix at the moment I’m in heaven! My fave being Blue Planet, I nearly popped with excitement when the BBC announced Blue Planet 2!!
I absolutely love a good action film. Probably my top film genre alongside Disney! Netflix currently has both Olympus and London Has Fallen and I'm not kidding you in the space of a month I've probably watched each film at least twice! I don’t know how but they make such a farfetched plot of one man against hundreds of baddies seem like it could actually happen! When I’ve finished watching one of these films it makes me want to go out and single handedly defend the world from scumbags!

An unlikely love of mine this month was the programme Tales from the coast with Robson Green. I probably wouldn't know who this guy was if it wasn't for my Dad. We would watch his Extreme Fishing programmes on a Sunday and I have grown to find him hilarious and a little crazy yet throughly enjoyable to watch on tv. I love how stunning the British coast is and I’ve realised from watching this programme how little of it I have seen and I have decided a few road trips around the country are in order! 

And last but not least… Creme eggs. Need I say more!

Thanks for reading!


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